Saturday, December 18, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Scripps Howard Spelling Bee

On Friday, December 17, we will have our 5th grade spelling bee. This will determine our top 12 spellers who will then be invited to participate in the Scripps Howard Spelling Bee on Tuesday, January 18.

Log Cabins

The log cabins are amazing. I have included a few photos. If you have a chance today or tomorrow, you may want to stop in and see them. They are on display in the hallway and some are in the library. Grades will be sent home tomorrow and the cabins the cabins should go home as well. (preferably before break)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tuesday, December 14

What a great day we had today. Fifth graders worked hard to complete the chapter 4 math test. Later in the day we gathered as a fifth grade and had Mr. Hoekstra draw out a "ticket" from the Christmas gift giving project. The name he drew was Mrs. Maxson's! The $237.00 raised with through this activity will be donated to Charity Ball. You can learn more about this organization by looking at the following link.

In the afternoon we were actively involved in the all school Christmas caroling event. Thanks to all who helped make this a very memorable time at Hamilton Elementary!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sledding Pictures from Friday

Events for the week of Dec. 13

Tuesday, Dec. 14: Everyone should dress in their red and green as we celebrate red and green day with the entire student body. All school Christmas caroling at 2:30. A name will be drawn for our Christmas Gift Giving donation.

Chapter 4 math test

Wednesday, Dec. 15: Log Cabins may be brought to school. Please plan for a safe arrival of your log cabin. They may be dropped off after school on Tuesday or before school on Wednesday. If you bring yours in before the start of the school day, please put it on your desk.

Friday, December 17: Eloquence Day! Please come to school wearing your dressy clothes. You may bring a change of clothes as we will plan to be back from the
"Cafe'" in time to send you out for second recess. The afternoon will be filled with Christmas related activities.

Christmas Gift Giving Update

First of all, please know that Tuesday will be the last day to honor someone with our Christmas Gift Giving Project. Make sure you are familiar with each of the charities and be prepared to choose one if your name is drawn. It has been exciting to watch the students give and receive tickets to one another this past week.

Who Did the Math?

I don't know who did the math when I reported to you that our penny war total was approximately $775.00, but when the bank called with the actual total, they reported that we had $827.00! Wow! That is a bundle of change! We thank you for your support with this friendly fund raiser. (We did learn that Mrs. Chateau is fiercely competitive!)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Penny War

Thank you to everyone for participating in the penny war. As a result of all of your efforts, we raised approximately $775.00!! Way to go fifth graders!!

Christmas Gift Giving

We have identified the top 5 charities as Feed My Starving Children, Charity Ball, St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, Love Inc., and March of Dimes. Tickets will be for sale every morning recess between now and next week Tuesday, Dec. 14. You will be able to purchase them in the hallway by Mrs. Chateau’s room. You will also be given a generic “card” and a candy cane to give to the person you are honoring with tickets.

Merry Christmas!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Log Cabins

The log cabin assignment was given today. I believe enough information was given to the students regarding this assignment, but please feel free to contact me if you have questions. There is an optional assignment if this simply does not work for you.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


The next round of conferences is scheduled for January 17 and 18. Students will only be scheduled for a conference if a parent or teacher requests it. Information regarding these conferences will be sent home with the students on Friday, Dec. 3.

Penny War

We have decided to let the kids continue to gather up change until Monday, Dec. 6. All coins must be in the jars by 8:40 a.m. so we can start rolling our coins at that time. We are on a mission to WIN this thing!


All students have been given a username and password to use a math web site called IXL. There is a link to it from my blog. We will be using it for math RTI, but you can use it at home to review math skills as well. Usernames and passwords have been written in each individual planner.

Popcorn Friday

Tomorrow, Dec. 3 is a popcorn day. The cost is 50 cents per bag if you have not prepaid.


With these two short weeks, I have not been able to find ample time to work on spelling lesson 9 with the kids. Therefore, there will not be a test tomorrow which is Friday, Dec. 3.

Friday, November 19, 2010


On Monday we will begin a new unit for the book "The Sign of the Beaver." It usually takes about 6 weeks to complete.

Math Test

Students were given a review packet for chapter 3 today. The review is due on Monday. We will go over it in class on Monday and the test for chapter 3 will be given on Tuesday. The test has a few concepts that are NOT found on the study guide. The test also includes order of operations and prime factorization.

Thanksgiving Homework

On Monday I will be giving each child a "Thanksgiving Journal." For one week, I would like them to write in it at the end of the day at least one thing they were thankful for that particular day. These will be due on Wed., Dec. 1 when we return to school.

Eloquence Day

The annual fifth grade eloquence day will be on Friday, December 17. A note was sent home about it on December 5. Please know that students are expected to dress up for this occasion! We will be talking about manners and then have an opportunity to eat a special lunch together. Each child is asked not to order hot lunch, but to pay $5.00 to cover the cost of the meal. If this is a problem for you, please feel free to contact me.


This week has been rather busy and unfortunately we were unable to complete our spelling lesson. We will continue to work with lesson 9 next week.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Veteran's Day

Thursday, November 11 is Veteran's Day. Please come to school decked out in your red, white, and blue as we learn about and celebrate this special day. You may also bring your "bells and whistles" for a special activity that will happen at 11:11!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Spelling City

I am excited to introduce you to a web site I have been working with. It is called "Spelling City." You can log into it by clicking on the spelling link on my blog. Once you are there, click on "students" and then "find a list." In the "search" section, click on "teacher" and then type in "Maxson." You should find Robin Maxson listed with Hamilton Elementary. Once you click on that, the lists that I have available for you should appear. This week we will be working with lesson 8. You can practice your spelling words and play games too! Enjoy!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sit and Sip

We will have sit and sip next week Wednesday...horray!

Guided Reading

Next week we will begin guided reading groups. Each child will be in a group and expected to read the book that their group
has been assigned.

Science Posters

Mrs. Blower's plan is to have one more work day on Monday, November 1 with presentations being given on Tuesday, November 2.


A completed, corrected study guide should come home today. Please review this study guide with your child as a test over chapter 2 will be given on Monday, November 1.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Our conferences will be student led this fall. Your children are prepared and excited to discuss with you their progress thus far in fifth grade. I have encouraged the kids to dress nicely since they will be taking on a leadership role. I am looking forward to meeting with each of you this week.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Black and Orange Day

Next week Frwednesday (ask your child to explain that spelling "error" to you!) will be black and orange day. Students are asked to wear black and orange and the rest of the day has been planned by me!

Sit and

We will have sit and sip tomorrow, Thursday, October 21!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Blue Sky Project

Field Trip

On Wed., October 13, the fifth grade classes will be taking a field trip to the Outdoor Discovery Center. The cost is $5.00 per person. Please send this money to school by Friday, October 8. Feel free to contact me if this causes financial difficulty to your family.

Lunch Order

A new lunch order for October is being sent home today. Since we will be on a field trip on Wed., October 13, no one needs to order a lunch for that day.

Release Time

Last week a permission slip was sent home regarding release time for religious instruction. There are many students who have not yet returned their form. Please take time to fill it out this weekend and return it to school by Monday, October 4.


Please take note of the fact that fall conferences will be student led. Your child we be expected to be here to lead the conference. Please take that into consideration when you fill out the form that is being sent home today.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ice Cream!!

The week of hard work in the classroom ended on Friday afternoon with a trip to Hawk's Nest for an ice cone. Everyone in our class as well as Mrs. Chateau's class enjoyed a yummy twist. Thank you to the Hawk's Nest for serving us!


We have new technology available to us at Hamilton Elementary. For the first time this year, we rolled a cart of laptops up to the classroom and everyone had a chance to see how they can log into the pearson success web site. Here they can view their math text book, practice math facts and also play games.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


On Monday, October 11, I am scheduled to have surgery. Following surgery, I will need to be out of school for at least one week. Mrs. Immink will be subbing for me. I am enjoying getting to know your children well and I am sad that I will have to be gone for so long this early in the year. I’m sure they will make me proud by working hard on the MEAP test, following the rules and cooperating with Mrs. Immink as well as with each other.

October 1

On Friday, October 1, we will be participating in the “Blue Sky Project.” We will spend the morning working on landscaping around the school. As noted in the Hamilton Highlights, this project is sponsored by Johnson Controls. Please think about the following list as you prepare for the day:
• Everyone should wear closed toed shoes and comfortable clothes to work in
• Lunch will be provided. I have let the lunch service know that we will not be needing hot lunches on that day
• Students should bring their own morning snack
• Bring a positive attitude! This is going to be fun!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Constitution Day

On Friday, September 17, we recited the preamble to the United States Constitution in the lunch room. We also sang happy birthday to the Constitution and Mrs. Chateau!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Specials Schedule

Monday: P.E.
Tuesday: Info Tech
Wednesday: Music
Thursday: Spanish and P.E.
Friday: Art and Spanish

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

School Supply List

The following is a list of recommended items you may wish to purchase prior to the beginning of school:

• A pencil bag or box – (not too large)
• A backpack to transport items to and from school daily (No wheels)
• 1 or 2 Post-it pads
• Colored pencils (We use these most often!)
• Highlighter
• 1 or 2 dry erase markers
• Markers - whatever you want - wide, fine point, sharpies
* Water Bottle
• Pencil Top Erasers
• Hand Sanitizer

Please do not bring the following:
*Trapper keeper *Toys of any Kind!!

I will provide folders, notebooks, planners, scissors, pens, etc. If you want to bring your own pens, that would be fine. I allow mechanical pencils, provided they are not a distraction to the user. You’ll need to supply your own lead.

If you would like to make a donation to our classroom supplies, please consider the following suggestions:

* A box of tissues
* Paper plates
* Napkins
* Plastic Cups
* Plastic Silverware
* Baggies

Now for the fun part. I would like you to think about a kind of candy that represents YOU and have you bring it to school for a snack on the first day. An example might be a RECESS peanut butter cup because recess is your favorite part of school. Or you might bring a LAFFY TAFFY because you are always laughing. How about a MARS bar because some people think you came from outer space! Be creative, grab some candy that represents you and and be prepared to share with the class why you chose what you did. (Hint: If you get to the Peanut Store in downtown Holland, you have a lot more to choose from than the grocery stores offer.)

Happy Shopping!
Mrs. Maxson

Saturday, August 14, 2010

August, 2010

Hello fifth graders! I hope you are enjoying your summer vacation. I have been able to enjoy mine even though I have had some health challenges. I am looking forward to the start of the school year and I trust you are getting excited as well. Meeting new students in the fall is always enjoyable, therefore, I am looking forward to meeting all of you. Enjoy the rest of the summer and we will be together on Wednesday, September 8!