Tuesday, August 17, 2010

School Supply List

The following is a list of recommended items you may wish to purchase prior to the beginning of school:

• A pencil bag or box – (not too large)
• A backpack to transport items to and from school daily (No wheels)
• 1 or 2 Post-it pads
• Colored pencils (We use these most often!)
• Highlighter
• 1 or 2 dry erase markers
• Markers - whatever you want - wide, fine point, sharpies
* Water Bottle
• Pencil Top Erasers
• Hand Sanitizer

Please do not bring the following:
*Trapper keeper *Toys of any Kind!!

I will provide folders, notebooks, planners, scissors, pens, etc. If you want to bring your own pens, that would be fine. I allow mechanical pencils, provided they are not a distraction to the user. You’ll need to supply your own lead.

If you would like to make a donation to our classroom supplies, please consider the following suggestions:

* A box of tissues
* Paper plates
* Napkins
* Plastic Cups
* Plastic Silverware
* Baggies

Now for the fun part. I would like you to think about a kind of candy that represents YOU and have you bring it to school for a snack on the first day. An example might be a RECESS peanut butter cup because recess is your favorite part of school. Or you might bring a LAFFY TAFFY because you are always laughing. How about a MARS bar because some people think you came from outer space! Be creative, grab some candy that represents you and and be prepared to share with the class why you chose what you did. (Hint: If you get to the Peanut Store in downtown Holland, you have a lot more to choose from than the grocery stores offer.)

Happy Shopping!
Mrs. Maxson

Saturday, August 14, 2010

August, 2010

Hello fifth graders! I hope you are enjoying your summer vacation. I have been able to enjoy mine even though I have had some health challenges. I am looking forward to the start of the school year and I trust you are getting excited as well. Meeting new students in the fall is always enjoyable, therefore, I am looking forward to meeting all of you. Enjoy the rest of the summer and we will be together on Wednesday, September 8!