Saturday, October 30, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sit and Sip

We will have sit and sip next week Wednesday...horray!

Guided Reading

Next week we will begin guided reading groups. Each child will be in a group and expected to read the book that their group
has been assigned.

Science Posters

Mrs. Blower's plan is to have one more work day on Monday, November 1 with presentations being given on Tuesday, November 2.


A completed, corrected study guide should come home today. Please review this study guide with your child as a test over chapter 2 will be given on Monday, November 1.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Our conferences will be student led this fall. Your children are prepared and excited to discuss with you their progress thus far in fifth grade. I have encouraged the kids to dress nicely since they will be taking on a leadership role. I am looking forward to meeting with each of you this week.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Black and Orange Day

Next week Frwednesday (ask your child to explain that spelling "error" to you!) will be black and orange day. Students are asked to wear black and orange and the rest of the day has been planned by me!

Sit and

We will have sit and sip tomorrow, Thursday, October 21!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Blue Sky Project

Field Trip

On Wed., October 13, the fifth grade classes will be taking a field trip to the Outdoor Discovery Center. The cost is $5.00 per person. Please send this money to school by Friday, October 8. Feel free to contact me if this causes financial difficulty to your family.

Lunch Order

A new lunch order for October is being sent home today. Since we will be on a field trip on Wed., October 13, no one needs to order a lunch for that day.

Release Time

Last week a permission slip was sent home regarding release time for religious instruction. There are many students who have not yet returned their form. Please take time to fill it out this weekend and return it to school by Monday, October 4.


Please take note of the fact that fall conferences will be student led. Your child we be expected to be here to lead the conference. Please take that into consideration when you fill out the form that is being sent home today.