Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The end is in sight!

The end of the school year is in sight! In addition to the special activities that you already know about, I would like to add a few more things. The following is a list of things for you to be aware of.

Wednesday, June 1: Glorified sit and sip. We will have a longer time to read than usual. Also, kids may bring a snack to go with their drink. NO RED DRINKS ARE ALLOWED. Ms. Taylor informed me of this after we had a spill last week.

Friday, June 3: Dunes field trip! A reminder sheet is being sent home today.

Monday, June 6: Career Day. After exploring career opportunities, students should come to school dressed for the career they think might be in their future.

Tuesday, June 7: What's in Your Box? 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Please park in the south parking lot. Students may go home with their parents at the end of the day without signing out in the office.

Wednesday, June 8: Choose your own seat day!

Thursday, June 9: Break the rules day - you may chew gum and wear a hat. Wear your track and field day shirt, last blast and the tunnel!!!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Pink Day Photos

Auction Items

Would you be willing to donate an item or two for our class auction? A silent auction will be held the last day of school. The auction is for our class only and students will use their hard earned money to make their purchases. I will be purchasing some items for this event, but we would welcome your donations as well. Things that have worked well in the past include candy bars, pop, sports equipment, cds/dvds, seasonal items, etc. We simply ask for new (not used) items. If you could have them to school no later than Tuesday, June 7, that would be fantastic!!

5th Grade Celebration

On Tuesday, June 7 from 2:30 - 3:30 p.m., we will be holding a special 5th grade celebration in the gym. Parents and Grandparents are invited to join us for this special event. We hope you can make it!


Thank you to all of the MANY parents who volunteered to join us on our trip to the dunes on June 3. Next week Tuesday a packet of information will be sent home with your child if you are planning on spending this fun day with us. Please look for this information on Tuesday, May 26.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Fifth grade teachers are planning some special days for the month of May. Please put these on your calendar!

May 12: Pink Day in honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Everybody please wear pink. Yes, even the boys!!

May 17: Laffy Taffy Tuesday: Everyone needs to have a short, clean joke to share with the class.

May 19: Kylie's last day with us. We will be celebrating with Mrs. Ferrell's class. Both classes are taking donations to purchase a gift for her. If it works in your budget, please send $2.00 to put toward a class gift.

May 27: Wear your Red, White, and Blue!!