Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas Gift Giving

Look for a note coming home tomorrow, December 5, regarding our Christmas project. There will NOT be a student gift exchange!!


Students took the first division test today. Overall, I was pleased with the results of the test. However, working with them during RTI, I realize that many students need more time and practice to really master this concept. Students need to be "fluent" with division, meaning they need to be able to do long division quickly. At home you could help your child by practicing long division problems often. Especially problems that have a zero in the quotient.

Eloquence Day

The annual fifth grade eloquence day will be on Friday, December 21. Please know that students are expected to dress up for this occasion! We will be talking about manners and then have an opportunity to eat a special lunch together. We will be using read-a-thon funds to cover the cost of this event. Look for more information about YOU can help coming soon!!

Sign of the Beaver and Log Cabins

The log cabin assignment for the novel "Sign of the Beaver" was discussed today. I believe enough information was given to the students regarding this assignment, but please feel free to contact me if you have questions. Miss Michell will be giving the due date since she is teaching reading. It will be due after Christmas break, that much I do know! I have extra copies of the books if a student wishes to bring one home to help with the visualization. There is an optional assignment if this simply does not work for you.