Monday, December 9, 2013

December 9, 2013

Winter has definitely arrived!!  Please make sure your child is prepared for outdoor play every day.  In addition, make sure they have shoes to wear in the classroom. 

On Friday, December 20, we will be celebrating Christmas with our annual Eloquence Day fine dining experience.  Students are asked to wear their nice clothes to school in the morning and will be given an opportunity to change when we come back to school following lunch.  Look for a separate note coming home soon regarding this event!

     This year we are planning an opportunity for our students to be involved in supporting a charitable organization. Students will be asked if there is an organization that they would like to suggest.  If there are more than 5 suggestions, the fifth graders will vote for the top 5.  Once the 5 organizations are identified, students will have a chance to purchase a “ticket” for a friend, teacher, or classmate.  Tickets will be sold for $1.00 each.  Every ticket will then be put into a large jar.  The last day to purchase them will be on Dec.19.  On the 19th, we will have a drawing and the name that we pick out will be the name of the person who will get to choose which of those five organizations will go to!  Therefore, there will be no student gift exchange.  I would like to ask that if you would choose to honor me at this time of the year that you put your money toward tickets.  I am looking forward to this opportunity to teach your children about charity and giving. 

Log Cabins
Most fifth graders have indicated that they will be making a log cabin to show what they have visualized as we read Sign of the Beaver.  The cabins are due on Monday, December 16.  If you would like to drop it off at school in the morning, I will be here by 8:00 a.m.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

November 4, 2013

I’d like to thank those of you who have sent emails or notes regarding conferences.  If you have not had a chance to do so, would you please consider taking a moment to jot down your thoughts and send them my way in the next day or two?

We will be taking our first field trip of the year TOMORROW!!  You should have received a note regarding the requirements for this trip last week.  In case you missed it, please send $4.50 to cover the cost of your child’s experience at the Outdoor Discovery Center.  You may send cash or write a check.  What ever form of payment you choose, please make sure you send it in an envelope with your child’s name written on the outside and identify it as field trip money. In addition, every child must have a SACK LUNCH!!

Release time begins this week.  Fifth graders who are planning to attend will be out of the building from 9:45 - 10:40 on Friday, November 8.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

October 13, 2013

October 14, 2013

Due to the fact that I have been ill this weekend and need to be out of the classroom on Monday, things will be a bit different than what the kids were thinking.  

Math:  In math we will be taking the MEAP test on Tuesday.  Please make sure your child is well rested and has a healthy breakfast.  The test covering tables and coordinate graphing will be given on Wednesday.

Writing:  This week we will begin writing an information piece.  All students will be expected to chose an American Indian Tribe to write about.  

Reading:  We will be finishing the book “Guests” this week and complete additional activities that go along with it.  

Social Studies:  Students will be concluding the unit about American Indians this week.  Once again, I have enjoyed teaching it and I believe the students have all enjoyed learning about the cultures of the various regions.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. In honor of this, I would like to promote Breast Cancer Awareness with 5th graders. PLEASE WEAR PINK ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15!!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday, October 7, 2013
MEAP Mania begins tomorrow!   You should have received a note home today regarding the MEAP test.  Please read it through carefully and let me know if you have questions.
Conference Slips – conferences have been scheduled and confirmation notices were sent home on Friday.  Please return them as soon as possible.
Writing – In writing, students are working on persuasive pieces, which will also be used as a speaking assignment.  Each child has chosen a fruit or vegetable to try to get their classmates to vote for.  I am hoping these speeches and the voting will all take place on Thursday of this week.  Some students have asked if they may bring in their fruit/veggie for classmates to try and the answer is YES!!
Math – Please, please, please keep practicing the multiplication and division facts at home!  During our RTI time our goal is to get everyone to fluently multiply two digit by two digit numbers and divide a triple digit by a single digit.  Our fifth grade math lessons are about reading charts, tables, and graphs.
Reading – Together we are reading the book titled “Guests” by Michael Dorris.
Social Studies – We are learning about the American Indian Cultures on the North American continent prior to the Europeans arrival. 
Have  a great week!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 22, 2013

September 22, 2013
Greeting everyone!  Here is a peek at what the class of 2013-2104 will be up to this week.
Writing – We will be working on opinion pieces of writing, focusing on supporting our opinion with details and also using linking words to keep the piece flowing.
Math – This week we will continue reviewing 4th grade skills and also start our first unit. 
Reading – In our reading lessons we will focus on themes and making connections to what we read.
Social Studies – Chapter two will teach us more about how the natives came to the North and South American continents and how the natives adapted to their environment.  A test will be given on Friday.
Conferences – You should have received a letter regarding conferences.  It is a blue paper that was sent home on Friday.  Please know that the conferences will be student led, so your child needs to be available as well. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Looking Ahead

Next week is sure to be a busy one!  In writing we will be writing bio poems.  Math lessons will continue to be preparing us for the MEAP test.  This week will will be focusing on multiplication, division and fraction review.  We will be reading some awesome books by Patricia Polacco and responding to them in our reading journals.  In our Social Studies lessons, we will be learning about geography.

Students will be taking the SRI test on Friday morning. 

Wednesday is 9/11.  All students are asked to wear red, white and blue!

On Friday, we will have sit and sip.  Each child may bring one can or bottle of pop.  Please do not send RED beverages or beverages that are known to have lots of caffine.  Students are not allowed to call home or use the pop machine in the teacher's lounge if they forget.  It is always wise to plan ahead!


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day

September 3, 2013 Today was a day filled with getting to know each other, creating our class rules, learning classroom and lunchroom procedures and doing some reading. I began reading aloud a book titled “Wonder.” Please ask your child what they know about it thus far. In addition, each child has accepted the “40 Book Challenge!” All of us have set a goal of reading 40 books this year! I was very encouraged by the enthusiasm the kids had as they chose books to read. Many of the students brought their book home, so please make sure it comes back to school every day. How about setting a great example and making the “40 Book Challenge” your personal challenge as well?! We did do a little bit of math and will continue with MEAP review. The best way for you to help at home at this point is reviewing 4 digit adding, subtracting with borrowing, multiplication (4 digit by 1 digit and 2 digit by 2 digit) with your child. On Wednesday we will begin our switches with both Mrs. Blowers and Miss Michell. Our class will be in Mrs. Blower’s room daily between 12:55 and 1:25 for science instruction. They be in Miss Michell’s room daily from 2:50 – 3:20 for word study instruction (which is spelling and other activities). Check back soon for further updates

Friday, August 30, 2013

Monday, June 17, 2013

Supply List 2013 - 2014

The following is a list of recommended items you may wish to purchase prior to the beginning of school: * Single subject wide ruled notebooks (4) * Single subject folders (4) *Calculator * Mechanical pencils and lead will be allowed as long as they are not a distraction * Handheld pencil sharpener • A pencil bag or box – (not too large) • A backpack to transport items to and from school daily (No wheels) • 1 or 2 Post-it pads • Colored pencils (We use these most often!) * Ink pens * Glue bottle and glue sticks • Highlighter • 2 dry erase markers • Sharpie markers - whatever you want - wide, fine point * Water Bottle Please do not bring the following: *Trapper keeper *Toys of any Kind!! If you would like to make a donation to our classroom supplies, please consider the following suggestions: * A box of tissues * Paper plates * Napkins * Small plastic cups * Plastic Silverware * Baggies * A ream of colored copy paper Now for the fun part. I would like you to think about a kind of candy that represents YOU and have you bring it to school for a snack on the first day. An example might be a RECESS peanut butter cup because recess is your favorite part of school. Or you might bring a LAFFY TAFFY because you are always laughing. How about a MARS bar because some people think you came from outer space! Be creative, grab some candy that represents you and be prepared to share with the class why you chose what you did. (Hint: If you get to the Peanut Store in downtown Holland, you have a lot more to choose from than the grocery stores offer.) Happy Shopping! Mrs. Maxson

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Dunes Field Trip

A decision has been made to use our rain date of Monday, June 3 for our field trip to the Dunes. If you are a parent who was planning to join us and are NO LONGER ABLE, please email Amy Talsma at Otherwise we will plan on seeing you on Monday!!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday, January 27, 2013

I hope you have all enjoyed the days off that we have had recently!  Between two snow days and an in service day, we are definitely behind schedule.  Please take time to read this rather lengthy update.

Book Orders - The January book orders were supposed to have gone home with your child on Thursday.  They will be coming home tomorrow and in order to make a quick turn around, I would like all orders in by Wednesday.  Please be reminded I can only take checks made to scholastic.  Thank you in advance for your orders.  I am very proud of how much reading these kids are doing this year.   March is reading month and I have a variety of activities planned, so now is a great time to get gather materials!

Lit Kits - The original due date for the lit kits was Feb. 4.  I do not plan on changing this even though we have had a couple of snow days.   Please plan accordingly.

Recess -  During the winter months, we have the option of allowing the kids to stay inside during our morning break, but they must go outside for second recess.  Please make sure your child is prepared for the colder weather.  Coats, snowpants, hats, mittens and boots are all necessary.

Field Trip - On Thursday, February 14, we will be taking a field trip to Grand Rapids.  In the morning we will be entertained by the Grand Rapids Symphony.  Following the symphony, we will be traveling on to Calvin College.   A note will be coming home soon with the details.

Student Led Conferences - I do plan on conferences being student led once again this spring.  If you have concerns that you do not feel comfortable talking about with your child present, I will gladly schedule another time to meet with you.

Stay safe, dry, and warm!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Lit Kit

Lit Kit Directions Fifth grade students in Mrs. Maxson’s class have been given a lit kit assignment. Students are expected to read a novel and prepare and present a lit kit as well as complete a written summary of the book to hand in. In the kit, a student should have 8-10 objects to pull out and show the class as he/she gives us a summary of the book they have read. I have provided students with a sample from the book titled Elijah of Buxton. Students must include the following in their kits: _____ Title, author, publishing date and company _____ Genre _____Setting _____ Problem _____ Solution _____ Retelling using 8-10 props _____ A neatly completed written summary of the book _____ A clear presentation to the class (practice!!) The due date is Monday, February 4.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Spelling Bee

Congratulations to our Spelling Bee winner, Rayah Blood, and runner up, Evan Eding!!


On Wednesday, January 9,a touring group called "Brainstormers!" came to Hamilton Elementary. The 3 performers taught us 6 "gifts" that need to be included in a story. Those gifts include characters, setting, activity, problem, solution, and title. Each student will now write a story and in March, Brainstormers! will return and act out some of our very own stories for us!! Thank you to the Hamilton Elementary PTO, Michigan Humanities Council, and Michigan Council for Arts & Cultural Affairs for funding this special program!