Sunday, October 13, 2013

October 13, 2013

October 14, 2013

Due to the fact that I have been ill this weekend and need to be out of the classroom on Monday, things will be a bit different than what the kids were thinking.  

Math:  In math we will be taking the MEAP test on Tuesday.  Please make sure your child is well rested and has a healthy breakfast.  The test covering tables and coordinate graphing will be given on Wednesday.

Writing:  This week we will begin writing an information piece.  All students will be expected to chose an American Indian Tribe to write about.  

Reading:  We will be finishing the book “Guests” this week and complete additional activities that go along with it.  

Social Studies:  Students will be concluding the unit about American Indians this week.  Once again, I have enjoyed teaching it and I believe the students have all enjoyed learning about the cultures of the various regions.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. In honor of this, I would like to promote Breast Cancer Awareness with 5th graders. PLEASE WEAR PINK ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15!!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday, October 7, 2013
MEAP Mania begins tomorrow!   You should have received a note home today regarding the MEAP test.  Please read it through carefully and let me know if you have questions.
Conference Slips – conferences have been scheduled and confirmation notices were sent home on Friday.  Please return them as soon as possible.
Writing – In writing, students are working on persuasive pieces, which will also be used as a speaking assignment.  Each child has chosen a fruit or vegetable to try to get their classmates to vote for.  I am hoping these speeches and the voting will all take place on Thursday of this week.  Some students have asked if they may bring in their fruit/veggie for classmates to try and the answer is YES!!
Math – Please, please, please keep practicing the multiplication and division facts at home!  During our RTI time our goal is to get everyone to fluently multiply two digit by two digit numbers and divide a triple digit by a single digit.  Our fifth grade math lessons are about reading charts, tables, and graphs.
Reading – Together we are reading the book titled “Guests” by Michael Dorris.
Social Studies – We are learning about the American Indian Cultures on the North American continent prior to the Europeans arrival. 
Have  a great week!