Thursday, February 27, 2014

Field Trip


Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 23, 2014

Snow, snow, and more snow!  Due to the number of snow days we have had, I’ve had to make some adjustments in my plans.  Please take note of the following updates and as always, feel free to contact me if you have questions.
Field Trip:  We will be going on a field trip on Friday, February 28.  We were scheduled to attend the Grand Rapids Symphony and then head over to Calvin College.  Calvin informed us that they also had to make up some events that were cancelled due to weather and would no longer be able to host us.  We have been busy exploring possibilities of how we could use our time in the afternoon.  At this point, we are planning to visit Aquinas College for the p.m. portion of our field trip.  We also became aware of a grant opportunity that we may be able to utilize that would cover the cost of both bussing and lunch.  Hopefully we will have a response to our request on Monday.  As soon as we know if there will be a cost for your child, we will let you know.  Please have students dress nicely on Friday as they will be representing Hamilton Elementary at both the Symphony and Aquinas. 

Conferences:  Thank you to those of you who have responded to your scheduled conference time.  While I would really like the students to lead their own conference, we have not had enough time in the classroom to put together student led conferences.  Your child is invited and encouraged to join us at your scheduled time. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Week of February 10, 2014

Math:  We will be wrapping up the fractions unit this week.  Due to all of the snow days, the unit has taken considerably longer than I would have liked, but these concepts are all critical learning in fifth grade.  I expect the review to take place on Tuesday and the test will be given on Thursday. 
Reading:   Our lessons will be focused on the skill of making inferences.  While learning this skill, we will also be learning about the Titanic. 
Writing:  We will begin the week learning more about how to write effective leads.  As the week progresses, students will begin writing a piece about a Terrible Day!
Social Studies:  We will continue learning about the early colonies. 
Field Trip Reminder:  We will be taking a field trip this week Wednesday to Grand Rapids.  All students should send in $5.00, dress appropriately for the weather, and have a cold lunch.  
Valentines Day:  We will NOT be having a party on Friday, Feb. 14